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The principle of photorejuvenation and treatment related problems

2021-11-16 15:36:50

          What is a photon?


          Photon refers to high-intensity pulsed light (ie, strong pulsed light) with a wavelength of 500-1200nm, which can stimulate collagen regeneration due to the thermal effect of its irradiation on the skin and obtain the effect of wrinkle rejuvenation, so it is commonly known as photon rejuvenation.


          Photon/IPL is a different term for photon. Photon is a wavelength in the spectrum, such as the photon treatment head 400-720nm for freckle removal, and the vascular treatment head 555-950nm. Of course, there will be some differences between different devices. IPL is the abbreviation of intense pulsed light, and OPT refers to optimized intense pulsed light. At present, most conventional photorejuvenation skins are OPT light sources. DPL refers to optimized intense pulsed light with a wavelength of 500-600nm, mainly for blood vessel problems such as facial redness.


          1.Mechanism of action:


          ①Destroy pigments and constrict blood vessels;


          ② Anti-inflammatory and sterilization, oil control and fat suppression;


          ③Increase the thickness of the epidermis;


          ④ Increase the thickness and elasticity of the dermis.


          2.Main treatment:


          ① Acne related issues:


          Acne, acne marks, enlarged pores, acne pits, acne scars, etc.;


          ② Sensitive related issues:


          Hormone-dependent dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, sensitive skin, etc.;


          ③ Blood vessel related issues:


          All kinds of erythema (including post-laser erythema), red blood streaks, spider veins, etc.;


          ④Pigment related issues:


          Uneven skin tone, freckles, post-inflammatory pigmentation, chloasma, etc.;


          ⑤ Problems related to aging:


          Fine lines, wrinkles, roughness, lack of luster, age spots, red blood streaks, etc.




          ①Easy to operate, mild pain, no anesthetic for pain relief;


          ②No damage to the epidermis, skin care can be taken on the day of treatment under normal conditions, without affecting daily life;


          ③Good at treating complex skin problems;


          ④ High safety, proper operation and care, almost no side effects;


          ⑤It can be used as a daily skin care item for a long time.


          1.Can facial sensitivity and telangiectasia caused by long-term topical corticosteroids be treated with photorejuvenation technology?


          Many people blindly read advertisements. When they have minor skin problems, they don’t want to see a doctor. Instead, they use some external medicines, such as Piyanping, Pikang Cream, and Facial Relief. These drugs are all topical corticosteroids. Generally speaking, there is no problem if they are used for a short time under the guidance of a doctor. However, if they are used for a long time, symptoms such as facial telangiectasia (red face) and skin sensitivity will appear. Thinning and shrinking of the skin is called hormonal dermatitis.


          2.What other problems can be solved by photorejuvenation?


          As far as photorejuvenation is concerned, it can basically solve two types of skin problems: skin pigment problems and vasodilation problems. Therefore, it may be effective for various brown pigment spots on the skin (such as freckles, certain types of chloasma). Etc.), it may also have a therapeutic effect on various skin vascular diseases (such as red birthmarks). Of course, it can also be used as a means of skin whitening treatment.


          3.How does photorejuvenation treat pigment spots?


          Photorejuvenation is actually a dermatological treatment method that uses intensive pulse light (IPL) for cosmetic treatment. The treatment itself is performed by simulating pulsed laser (Q-switched laser), and it also follows the same treatment principle of laser. It also uses the penetration of light to the skin and the absorption of strong light by pigment particles for treatment. Vividly speaking, it uses powerful pulsed light to “wash away” the pigment particles and make the pigment spots disappear.


          Since strong light is not as single and pure as laser light and contains various light sources, it has many effects on the skin, such as eliminating/lightening various skin pigment spots, enhancing skin elasticity, eliminating fine wrinkles, and improving facial capillaries It expands and improves facial pores and rough skin, and it can also improve the yellowish skin color, so photorejuvenation has a very good cosmetic effect.


          However, the energy of light is not as high as that of laser, so for some very stubborn pigment spots, photon skin rejuvenation may be a little weak. At this time, laser is still needed to cooperate with the treatment.


          4.What are the side effects of photorejuvenation?


          There are almost no side effects and it is very safe, which is a very big advantage of photorejuvenation treatment.


          But like any treatment, the treatment itself has two sides. On the one hand, photon is a very good treatment for pigmented skin diseases, but it also has the potential risk of causing skin pigmentation changes.


          In addition, the human body is very different. A small number of people may have pigmentation spots, and a very small number of people may have acne-like rashes and blisters.


          Therefore, treatment should be carried out in a regular hospital and abuse is not allowed. It is irresponsible to say that photon skin rejuvenation is absolutely safe, infinitely exaggerating the effect, and even treating it in a beauty salon, and should be corrected.


          5.Who is suitable for photorejuvenation treatment?


          In general, the following four types of people are more suitable for photorejuvenation treatment:


          The first group of people: pigmented spots on the face, whether it is solar or freckles, usually these spots give you the feeling of a “dirty face”, although they are often covered with powder, they can’t be covered. Such people are more suitable for photorejuvenation treatment.


          The second group of people: sagging faces, fine wrinkles, and senile skin changes appear. Such people are also more suitable for photorejuvenation treatment.


          The third group of people: want to change the texture of the skin, hope that the skin will have better elasticity, smoother skin, and improve skin dullness.


          The fourth group of people: rough facial skin, enlarged pores, acne marks, facial telangiectasia. Such people can choose photorejuvenation treatment.


          Generally, the treatment effect of the first three groups of people is more obvious, and the treatment effect of the fourth group of people is relatively poor. In addition, photorejuvenation is the same as other beauty treatments. If your skin condition is better, the effect of the treatment will be better. If your skin’s congenital condition is not ideal, photorejuvenation treatment has a good performance, but in general Said to be worse.


          6.Who is not suitable for photorejuvenation treatment, or should be treated with caution?


          In general, photon skin rejuvenation treatment is very safe and there are almost no contraindications, but the following patients should be treated with at least the necessary attention:


          Light-sensitive people and patients who have recently used light-sensitive drugs. Such people are sensitive to light and are prone to skin damage after treatment.


          Pregnant women. Because the treatment has different degrees of pain, theoretically, the potential impact on the development of the fetus cannot be completely ruled out.


          The system uses retinoic acid (at least 2 months after stopping use for treatment). Such patients may have a temporary impairment of potential skin repair function.


          The treatment of patients with melasma should be cautious. In most cases, photorejuvenation does not solve the problem of melasma treatment. On the contrary, it sometimes makes the situation worse. Patients who have unrealistic expectations for the treatment effect.


          Although photorejuvenation has outstanding beauty abilities, it is only a very common medical item. Don’t render and deify, don’t have the ability to change the nature of your skin, and don’t hold unrealistic expectations.


          7.Is photorejuvenation painful?


          Yes, there is a little pain, but it can be tolerated. In fact, pain is a reference for us to judge whether photon therapy is effective.


          8.How long does the photorejuvenation treatment take? Will it affect work after the treatment?


          Usually it only takes about 20 minutes, which is very convenient. Moreover, there is almost no “unsightly” changes in the skin after treatment, so work is hardly affected after treatment, so there is no need to take leave and rest.


          9.Do you need special skin care after treatment?


          No special skin care is required, but it is recommended to use skin care products under the guidance of a doctor, including stopping using all functional cosmetics (including various anti-spot creams, anti-wrinkle creams, etc.), and prohibiting the use of various chemical exfoliation treatments (also It is the so-called peeling treatment), skin grinding and the use of scrub facial cleanser are prohibited.


          As the cause of pigment spots and various photo-aging is sunlight, the use of sunscreen and sunscreen is important. Of course, the application of skin moisturizing cream is also needed.


          10.If the photorejuvenation treatment is stopped, will the skin accelerate the aging?


          This is a problem that everyone cares about, and it is also a very clever one. Theoretically speaking, photoaging is not aging in the true sense of the skin. It is caused by the accumulation of light irradiating our skin day by day, and eventually “aging” the skin. This effect of sunlight has actually been accumulated since childhood. . We can also notice that the wrinkles of white people are more obvious than ours, which may be the reason why their skin’s resistance to light is lower.


          After photorejuvenation treatment, the structure of the skin has changed, which is manifested by the recovery of collagen in the skin, especially elastic fibers. As long as the protection is strengthened in the days to come, the skin will not become worse and accelerate the aging process. In fact, the United States is the birthplace of photon skin rejuvenation treatment. The first person who received the treatment was Americans. Two very influential studies showed that the first person who received photon treatment 5 years ago was still very satisfied with the effect. There is no accelerated aging phenomenon.


          Further reading:DPL Photon Skin Removing Function


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